Economic Interest Grouping
Head office: Campus SophiaTech
450 route des Chappes
06410 BIOT - France
+33 (0)4 93 00 81 00
RCS Antibes 383 181 575
Siret 383 181 575 00028
APE 8542Z
Editor of the solution :
eMundus - 1 rue Alexander Fleming 17000 LA ROCHELLE
E-mail address: info[@]emundus.fr
Technical, Ergonomic and Graphic Design :
eMundus - 1 rue Alexander Fleming 17000 LA ROCHELLE
E-mail address: info[@]emundus.fr
Hosting and outsourcing :
OVH - 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix
Telephone: 0899 701 761 (1.349 € incl. tax per call, and 0.337 € incl. tax per minute)
Fax : + 33 (0) 3 20 20 09 58
Support : https://help.ovhcloud.com/fr/
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